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Genesis 14:14...When Abram learned that Lot had been captured, he called out his 318 trained men who had been born in his camp. He led the men and chased the enemy all the way to the town of Dan

3EIGHTEEN was born out of a verse in Genesis 14. Abraham’s relative Lot was taken captive by the enemy, & Abraham determined he would fight to rescue “His Brother.” 3EIGHTEEN movement is built on four principles, taken from Genesis 14:14

Image by adrianna geo

1- We will fight for our brothers; we refuse to let each other remain captured by our shortcomings, weaknesses, addictions, fears, sins, loneliness, past & pain. (Accountability)

2- We will be trained as Men, Fathers, Husbands, Leaders, & Businessmen as God wants us to be. (Role Models)

3- We will be sons of God, committed to our church, where we will Grow, Increase, & become the men God has created us to be. (Ambassadors) (an advocate of the kingdom of God)

As men in society, we should be committed to raising a generation of men, young & old, who reflect & emulate the truth & honor of Jesus Christ, the TRUE & GREAT example of Manhood & Servanthood. The building of a relationship & society are men that take responsibility to lead their own lives, their families, & their communities under the direction of JESUS The CHRIST-

4- We will meet together throughout the year (meetings, events, small groups, & outreach) to be equipped to be pillars in the Church, in Society, and to the young generation that so needs role models in this day & time. (Fellowship) (fellowship morphs into a relationship)

Tuesdays at 6 pm CST

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